Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Yep, we were couple number 2. Just imagine the excitement. Sesh. I was like sweating like mad. She was ever so calm. I can just see her sweet confident smile throughout the whole ceremony. It gave me the courage and confidence needed for me to do the best.

"Sekali lafaz, sekali lafaz" jer- hehehe

The only words that were playing through my thick skull. Amin did his best to keep me calm. I acted calm, to tell you the truth. Heheheh. Then the Imam called the first man. Shit!! My heart ran wild. I could literaly hear and feel my heart pumping. Then this eeerie calmness. I CAN HEAR soundless hehehe. Its true beb, it feels that everything around you been sucked and this emptiness feeling. Geli duh to think about it.

Honestly, I hoped that the first couple would slack off and give me a chance to sekali lafaz nikah jer but that was definitely not the case. He seems natural and just spoke those magical binding words without a glitch. Damn, that time i felt like dying. How come? Shit. Pray to god that i wont stumble or anything.

One thing is definitely true. She was my savior. At times that i feel that i won't perform or everything is getting out of control i just look at her confident smiling face. It' like a boost of energy and confidence which began to crumble the moment pak Imam announced the next couple in line. Mohd Husaini, ke depan... gulllpp. (this was a super big gulllllp). I prayed and recited ayat kursi along the way....

If i remembered correctly, the first couple finished in a zippy but mine was loooong. Witnesses forgot to fill up their forms. My feet was shouting pain but I kept steady during the whole ordeal.Then her father (father in law hehehe) decided to be the wali at the last minute. Dang, talk about waiting in pain. After about 10 minutes, the magical moment came. That's before 3 tests run hehehe... (wouldn’t like to spoil the - ONE right?? hehehe).

I took one deep breath, glanced to all people in front, my witnesses, family and friends then

"Aku terima nikah Nadzuha binti Kaman dengan mas kahwin sebanyak rm80 tunai...."

That's it. That sentence changed my life forever -- I’m officially married and have someone to look after. I clearly remembered and felt that instant chill knowing that i am now married.

It felt like this huge object was lifted from my lungs when I successfully recited my lafaz nikah. It was heaven. I saw my mum cried, my dad hugging my bro's, friends, auntie's & uncle's smiling.

I did it. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, sighs of relief.

I glanced at her. My wife. Everything feels perfect.

To b continued.....

Monday, June 26, 2006

Thank You!!!

Morning peoples! Or issit people? Or maybe i'm the only one writing and reading this blog? hehehe. Tak kesahler. Anyhow, good morning people... Its ages since my last post. What did i'd do alll this time eh? Yeah, i got married. Syukur alhamdullilah. The only thing in life that i thought was impossible in life ran without a glitch. I can't really express in words how much blessed, thankful and syukur to all the poeple involved making this wedding a reality.

I owe it to my family. Thanks to ayah and mak for their undivided love and help they poured for my wedding. Thanks alot to bayong (bang long as in abg sulong heheheh),didi - the logistik man heheheh ( thanks a lot bro!), mimi - thanks for your room bro, zaimi - ermmm for the manly advice hehehe and siti - your one cool sis to have laaa heheheheehe. Thanks a lot. The wedding wouldn’t be a success if all of you didnt lend a hand. I'm sure to remember and would do my 100% best for all of your wedding to come.

Thanks to Jack,Tp Amin and Ina for being such sport and being our pengapit. Thanks alot for the wonderful jokes, advices and the company during the whole "grueling" heheheh event. Amin & Ina - you 2 were marvelous!! I highly recommend for those who are about to get married and don’t have any pengapit --- you know who to contact hehehehe... Seriously dude, even when the plan seems getting out of hand and people calling and cursing you on YOUR OWN FREAKING Day!, they were able to keep us calm and steady for the day huhuhuhu---- thanks alot guys.

I want to thank my own ss5D rukun tetangga especialy En.Mat for the unity and help showed and poured by all the families of ss5d thus make my wedding a reality. I am truly sorry on behalf of my family if there's the slightest "kekurangan" during the whole ordeal. Thank you for the convoy on my nikah night, my wife's side of kenduri, and for our own ss5d side, Thanks alot. Seriously uncle & auntie's, words could not express how lucky and blessed i am to have such caring and wonderful neighbours heheheh.

To think of it, i am currently amazed and blurred by how fast time flew by. Its like the other previous day i'm an inch close to having a heart attack(nikah takut oooo) but right now i'm like typing away feeling super cheeky ehehehhe.. why eh?

And talking about nikah, phewwww was i nervous. Never i thought that i would pass through that indescribable experience. Just imagine, having 3 couples on the same night waiting their own turn to get married... jeeeeezzzzz,thanks again to Amin for controlling and giving me good advice on the d-moment itself. I was sweating and duduk bersila didnt helped too. I nearly cramped my leg off while waiting for my turn. Btw, we were 2nd in line.

Sesh... i'll update later in the next entry.. got things to do, anyways i Thank you to all, till the next entry, chiow!!

p/s: Here are my wedding pics!!