Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Hi and good afternoon. Sesh, its too loooooong since my last entry. Now I know what busy feels like. Work just keeps on coming. Problems seems to grow bigger and bigger. I tried my hardest to squeeze a little time for my precious blog but it seems at the end of the day, all I can think about is enjoying a nice long nap before another hectic day starts all over again.

Weekends are more packed and full of activity now that many of my closest friends are getting married this year. Yesterday we went to Elyas+Nani wedding and personally, I think the food was marvelous!. Hehehhe sedap seeh. March is definitely wedding month.
Last month we went to Hadori+Zana’s, Mandorm+Tp’s (I was the pengapit for this one hehehe) and Shidee+Tasya’s, Zul+Kartini, and Pudden (sdar)+wifey (heeeheh) is just around the corner. Its true laa what jack said, 2006 is definitely tahun mengawan hehehe.

Everyone’s getting older, gasing too just moved to section 17, sorry guys for not lending a hand during the moving process, seriously I am sorry. Felt bad that we had to let go gasing after years living and carving some sweet and also bad memories there. People change- this s a fact. But to change, I honestly think that we need some sort of resistance. So sometimes resistance is also good for people like me to advance and move forward in my life.

I clearly remembered me one year ago.. just whizzing through in my previous company and having no problems at all….. Seriously I was in heaven compared working with my current company, but that’s about it, I felt I was throwing away my life if I stayed longer. They say usually the learning curve for one who is newly working is quite steep but for me its like went straight down the drain, hehehehe. The only one thing and I think the most important thing I achieved during my 2 years plus there is that I lost weight! Heheheh, my company was damn supportive. Sronok suit remembering. The days where Huh I wish I have more time. Sesh, I think I’ll stop here. Gonna continue soon. But really bloggie and all my friends out there, I really miss u all. Till next time, bye.

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