Thursday, October 07, 2004

"How to get rich"

Mmm, halfway through the latest "how to get rich" book i recently bought. Its written by a succesfull malaysian businessman En Azizi somethin...(forgot his name laa). His latest book titled How to be a Property Millionaire is a really a good source of info for those newbies who are going to invest in the Malaysian property sector (me). I have read many books on how to own and manage a property but all those book targets the US market and mostly are not suitable to be practice here in Malaysia. Halfway through reading the book, i can somehow sense that this guy is filthy rich and honestly laying the simple guide lines he provenly used to encourage malaysian to basicaly invest in properties. I gotta tell u that property investing is big business man! It looks like he's the robert t kiyosaki of Malaysia heheh. Eh guys, have u ever heard the new open university radio ad usually on The part where u punch in and punch out for days, month or year??? Shitlaaa...I dunt want to be like that!! Serious takut aaaaa, i just wanna fill up my passport, have an ideal family and live my last days on earth feeling i had accomplish something whether in this world or the afterlife..But all that requires money (except for those aire to Multibillions assets their parents left them ) and to make money we need to work. So the process just repeat itself, back to the punch card machine again. Damn, really guys, i think property investing is da way to go and i'm gonna pursue this matter seriously from now and i was hoping that there would be anyone outhere with real life experience in the property sector to lend in a hand for a newbie heheheh....i hope my dream would someday come true insyaallah....

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