Thursday, June 30, 2005

Durian Day

Okla, im BORED heheh. Been chatting with a fren and finaly got a topic worthy to write hehehe. What is the most stupidest ,dumbest, out of this world thing u ever did in ur life? Yealaa, I'm 100% sure that we as ordinary human beings will make some mistakes in life but the only difference is the magnitude of the stupidity involved in every mistake heheheh. I have a confession to make laa heheheh. My story involves durian. This "real and true" events took place some 9 years ago while i was in form *** kan... Back then my dad's was a d.o (district officer) in one of the district in NS hehehehe. So living in a district surely have its pros and cons, and one of the things i totaly like and lurrrvvvv living far far away in a secluded (hehehe) district is the fruit seasons. Just imagine, eating mangosteen, mango's, rambutan's, durian's ehem ehem and every malaysian fruit u can think of kan........and endless supplies of it heheh.

To think of it laa kan, its surely one of the reason i was so big,huge, fat etc at that time... Makan tak henti siul. Here's a logical equation of ME at that time..

[Exercise = 0 + Input as in food = infinity == ME "at that time"]

Ok, back to my true story. Ok, u know the Malaysian hospitality, every time a fruit season hits, there would b endless supply of that particular fruit. It happens to b that its the Durian season, so ader this good hearted polan si polan nih decided to dump like one lorry of durian infront of my house (takpayah laa lori 1 tan dier bawak!!). So being the gelojoh dude that i was back then hehehe, aku menghadap laa durian n started eating untill i lost count on how many durians i've devoured. Aku makan durian sampai anak tekak siut... literaly!!! I felt those durians stucked at my throat.... Suddenly i felt a burning sensation in my chest and felt this weird sensation--- just when u r about to sleep one.... shit, i was suffocating demn!!! Just imagine.. if (this is an if situation k) the smell n the comments from the doc who performed the autopsy....shit, must b case of the year or even the century...

Cause of death : Self inflicted suffocation caused by uncontrolled digestion of DURIANS!!!

Imagine tommorow's head line laa : D'O'S SONS DEAD..... FOUL PLAY?? REVENGE?? Durian jer, hehehe. (Sumpah malu sial...)

Thank god and luckily for me my dad was there to the rescue. Dont need no superman or batman. Just ur simple good old dad jer heheh.. He quickly noticed sumething was definately wrong and started to pat my back as hard as he could!!!.. Then the unthinkable happened.. UWEEKKKKK!!! hahahahahah... all my hours of concentration n effort to stuff those durians was gone laaaa heheh.. turned into foul smelling u-dunt-want-to-know slime.... At that time i thought i was a gonner.. i could "see" the lighthehehehhe. It took me some time la to regain my conscious laa but after that humiliating incident, i was like more carefull with my food intake...Trauma sial hahahaha

So that's my story laaa heheh, anyways, tommorow is my company DURIAN DAY, meaning all u can eat supplies of durian all day hehehe. Our CEO is a durian lover and every year he treats us (7000+ of us) with the highest grade of durian available on the market hehehe and this time and every time when durian is mention kan, i'll remember what happened and b a lil more carefull hehehehe. So whats ur stupidest mistake u all did laaaa? Hehehehh share share can aaa?hehehe.. Till the next durian day, chiow dudes n have a wonderfull weekend...

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