Wednesday, December 07, 2005


Long since my last posts. Now I’m currently wondering what I did these past few weeks. Sesh, seriously missed my bloggie though yesterday the net was a lil f**c*ed up heheh. Now it’s ok but still I’m too lost for words. What should I write? It seems that there too many topics in mind but still I am trying hard to express them in words. Happy? Yes I am happy.

The sole reason I had this blog is to write my diet and exercise adventure but now its look like it’s more filled with my current life n bullshits rather than these so called adventure. For your info, I just can’t trim down anymore. It seems that 77kg is the max weight I can achieve. I even tried to double or even tripled my effort but to no avail. I truly had arrived at the my weight plateau point.

What should I do?

Ish, mmg malas giler nak tulis, so after this, I’m gonna take deep breaths and write all about last week for my own personal amusement hehehehe.. till tomorrow, chalo huhuhu

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