Tuesday, December 13, 2005

My Life

Congratulations to Amin & Ina. The perfect couple. The perfect pair made in heaven. I am happy for u two heheheh. Had a great time attending both sides of their wedding. Last fortnight we attended Ina’s side in Alor Gajah, Melaka where fortunately we (me and nadie) met up with Amin’s rombongan to Ina’s House hehehe. Sweeeeet, got to capture the whole journey in video and also took dozen’s of pic. It was surely a memorable day. One of my closest friends getting married huhu. Suke sial. The first time I witness the “adat tol” as people were referring and how I thought that people made them up just to scare the future groom to hell hehehe. To be honest, I too was a little intimidated by those people initiaing the “toll” hehehe. Ikut hati nak jer aku letak kad touch and go kat dahi depa and buat bunyi tut..tut… sesh.. hehehe takpun kluarkan smart tag hehehehe.

My parents went to Mecca to perform their haji last Monday. It’s such a mixed feeling. Happy because they were happy for successfully securing places to Mecca but I personally felt sad because they would be leaving us for some time. Thank god, and I really mean it that we have grown up. I clearly remembered the first time they went. Felt like dying, the future’s dimmed and felt sad for 2 months hehheeh. Now with the advent of high tech communication infrastructure (poyo maut heheh), reaching our parents is no more a problem heheh. Seriously dudes, it’s like a call away. Sounded soooo near. Anyways, I pray that both of my parents would achieve haji mabrur and pray that someday that I would visit Mecca, insyallah.

My bro on the other hand decided to get a Persian cat for our lovely lil sis to cure her sadness and to cheer her up (sedih parents gi haji …). Yep… we have a cat, a Persian cat hehehe. At first we named our cat snow but after awhile, it sounded a little cheesy heheh, a cat named snow??? Heheh common laaa tak biasa kan?? So we debated summore when one day our pak teh who came to visit accidentally called the cat tuting heheheh (its like kucing but ngade n gedik2 mode..) tuting, tuting…. so there, the 9th official member of our family, tuting heheheh.

Then came Saturday, the day I’ve been waiting for…kenduri amin plak. Ipoh, here we come heheh. I was looking forward for this day. A trip with my nadie hehehe,. Best best. The trip was a blast! It was everything I hope it to b. It was revitalizing, refreshing and it’s surely nice to do something out of the ordinary. (like holidaying??? Hehehe). Stayed at syidee’s house in k.kangsar while nadie stayed at her auntie’s then met up with affy n todd in the morning and head up to penang to celebrate syidee’s fiancĂ© birthday. Happy birthday tasya if you happen to read this. Huh.. What a life. Somehow I feel that I am a totally changed and I feel blessed. My life have a greater meaning right this moment and I am loving it. I am gonna enjoy every sec of it.

Anyways, currently I got some interesting project that I personally see a future. At first I was skeptical with the project/thing/program (call it anything.. heheh) but after doing a thorough research, meeting friends and hearing countless testimonials from people who are already succeeded in this project, I decided to give it a go and interestingly I am currently waiting for the fruits of my labor. Sesh, I’ll update from time to time but for u guys who are interested, click HERE, So until the next update, kuman (thinking bout changing my callname actually heheheh) signing off.

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congrats amin n ina

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penang, here we come...

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Happy bday tasya!!!

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