Thursday, November 04, 2004

Bush, Raye and Sdarian...

Dang...Bush wins again,and for the 1st time im quite concern of its outcome. Siap check regurlarly for the latest poll result n browsed hundreds of us based website concerning the election hehehe. Pilihanraye mesia pun den tak seaktif nih. N its not that if he losses gonna matter much but i sincerely would like to c how kerry deals with their current problems on terrorism and also the foreign policy that had been severly damaged by the bush adminisration. Ish, after all the protest from their ppl and movies (Farenheit 9/11) made to slam the BUshes heheheh still he wins...dunno laaa, ntah2 gune bomoh tak? ish ish, lets c whats Bush next move, c how he continues to fight the never ending war against terrorism...hopefully he will not use terrorism agenda to invade other countries....again

enough bout the election.So, its the 21 day of ramadhan and seriously im in the raya mood now. Work? what work? Cant wait to cuti-cuti raya hahah. So the question now is, where do u all balik kampung?..if u got any laa heheh . Like me the first day of raya will be in Melaka with my ageing grandma and the 2nd day in Pahang. Yes, back to back non stop of jln2 raya for full 2 days n only stop after visiting all our relatives in Melaka n Pahang. N now is da official shoping week. Im like waiting for my mum to ask me to drive her to jln TAR....the least favourite place for any guy in Malaysia (i know i dunt like it) and spend countless hours following my mum on picking the right kinda fabric mayb at Gulatis or some hundreds of pay by the meter fabrics shops. Eh dont have online kain shops kaa? senang skit..No parking probs, snatch thief probs n etc..n fyi info, at nilai baru there are kedai kain baru that i think rivals Tangkak..u gals reading should give nilai baru a visit.

Heheh just now i've received my invite to the sdar937 yahoo group. Im a lil suprised to c how active the group was. Shit, how come i didnt know?? dang..anyhow, now i can keep up with all the happening and activity that the group organize. The niffty feature that i surely like was the contact i know where n how to contact my long lost sdarian's mates after all these 7 years. So long that most of them i cant recall their nick names heheheh... Btw, this Saturday (6th November) there will be a majlis bukak pose at Hotel Grand Pacific, KL n i hope u guys (sdarian batch 937) could attend...rindu ler jugak heheheh. So that's all 4 2day,...c y u all at Grand Pacific KL... Chiow Chin Chow...

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