Monday, November 08, 2004

Wedding Plunge huhuh

Walaaaaaaau, lawa siut!!! huhuhuu must costs a fortune (that's my first impression), when Tp sent me a link of a former bantingerz wedding album. Dang, Fatihin's Wedding Album, the website also ends with a .com waaaaa confirm mahalnyer huhuhuh n one thing that strike me a strange is there's no one using the word fatihin in any .com link. Perghh superb maa, got a super lavish wedding kenduri plus a super wedding album that ends with a .com huhuhu who could ask for more.... (That's my current know how on .com laaa if there's any salah or silap jgn malu-malu comment k!!).

back to the wedding album, i was partialy amazed and also felt a strange fear rose out of nowhere when i browsed through the album. The amaze part most likely comes from the fact that these lovely couple exchange rolex's for their hantaran, the beautiful majiis persandingan, the crowd (perghh cute-cute tuh dlm gambo tuh heheh) and etc (the list is definitely long heheh) And also comes the fear that the fact they are married!! Married!!! Man, thats like the most logical step that any of my friends or ME should have taken. Its like the next step in life oooo. Dang, seriously takut siut hhehehehe, takut in the sense of boleh ker nak bagi future wife and mayb future sons makan minum ker, tempat berteduh ker, things like that laaa. BUleh ker? Ish ishish dah ler keje pun cam memain jer, kurang serius huhuhuh. Okler i hope that u readers can give me a simple answer to my question...How do you know ur ready to take the wedding plunge?? Can anyone list out or define the word READY in ur point of view?? Thanks in adcance. Btw, i would like to congratulate Fatihin n Azri on their wedding and also to their photographer...damn nice wedding pic heheheheh. Chaloo.

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