First Raya
Went to Melaka to my grandma's house and went home to seremban at 5pm. (Super typical for every raya huhuhu).. n for the record, i did receive duit raya for this year, rm 1 perghhh atleast dapat gak right? hehehe. Thanks auntie...
Family Raya Pic
Second day of Raya
Took our family potrait photo in the morning (heheh cant wait to see the end result..imagine we had a free style session during a family potrait shoot out!!! heheheh) and speed up to Simpang Pelangai, Pahang to visit my pa's relative side n on the way back got stuck in a terrible and long traffic jam near Pelangai, Kuala Pilah. Manage to get into Sremban at 9pm n went straight to Az's seemingly open house huhuhuh with Kuril n Stone.
Third Day of Raya
Woke up early and decided to invite most of the sangap KL friends to my house for some jln-jln raya heheh. Affy, Pullah, Neb, Kuril, Jack, Az and some newly friends showed up. Terharu siut korang turun dpd kl heheheh. Had some "desert" at the only place that i think would please jack n affy..Seremban's only secret recipe and then visited Kuril's crib heheh..
Pullah, me, jack, affy and neblina
Its 2am n i've just got back from taipan senawang.. minum2 with my sremban friends, apak, shook (nice knowing u dude!!) and mufid. Damn sleepy sesh n btw, just authorized my half life 2 game and gonna post some screenies for u guys to njoy hehehe... Seriously, the game rocks!!! (Another super reason to stay up late!).That's all for this year raya, i think.. n lets hope that these coming weeks will be full of open house invitations...insyaallah.
Meet Barney
My good old hazmat suit huhuh
Finaly the crowbar...gotta do some serious hacking hehehe
And that's all for my 2004 raya. Untill next 2005 raya, selamat Hari raya.....
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