Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Relaxing day huhuhu

sure nice to get up 11am on a week day hehehe. no work pressure to think about just plain relaxation. bgn awal pun lepak2 dulu, tgk tv dulu. dvd sepam due, bfast and around 2 - 3 pm baru je laa nak ingat mandi ker aper ker. then called mcd for a quick evening lunch and some more lepaking huhu. punyeler banyak mase, i finished watching all the american idol season4 up till episode 7, the apprentice season 3 and all the csi ie las vegas, new york and miami all in one short day. demn, figuring what to do tomorrow... missed alredy the long chat with my regular ym friends and the "big" capati i usualy have every morning at the mamak behind my office huh. emm atleast i got 4 wonderfull days to waste and tomorrow den nak turun kl to play tennis, watch movies and mayb lek lu chong dulu with my fellow gasingers friend heheh...c u all in kl!! hehehe.. kuman, out hihih

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