While i was waiting for my car to b washed yesterday, i stumbled upon a newspaper article that that i would consider super interesting. I've read about it days before but never been able to follow up. Its about read this and it definately reminds me when i first started my diet and cardio regime. I was shocked when i heard bout his initial weight! 25o kg, but later after he went for his medical checkup revealed that his original weight was about 158kg. Ishh.. I was 143kg when i started. Its only a 15kg difference and i personaly think with all the backup from his family and uitm (wooooo imagine being helped by 8 sports and science lecturers??? heaven siottt hehehe) he wil eventualy reach his dream ( i dunno his target laa) weight. And all the fuss started when he is denied entry to the LPKN course. One of the use of LPKN courses heheh, to attract attention heheh.
He will be going through 6 months of rigourous diet and exercise regime set up by these uitm lecturers and i remembered reading that he will continue to be aN exercise trainer after he reaches his target. I think the's 6 month program will be carefully monitored and documented as a guide on how to lose weight for ppl who are having the same problem, Morbid Obesity. The term i found out through Discovery Channel heheh. It relates t0 a group of ppl who are not lised in the bmi (body mass index). Anyways, program or no program, it usually takes will power to get one through. As for me, i realized it in a pain way.... one morning (the day b4 i had kambing masak lemak hohoh)i had gout (sakit wei!!!) n i can't even walk to the toilet!! i had to crawl!! that was the MOMENT. The MOMENT i realized that i dont want to live like this for the rest of my life!!! Being inmobile in a very young age is a demn scary thought!!! So from that day on, i promised myself to change and i did. My goal was further strengthen when one of my close chinese friend suffered a heart attack and died. He was overweight, smoked and drank alcohol. A lethal combination i might say. He was just 24! After that, there was no turning back! During the whole duration since September to now was a complete and new experience hehe.. Luckily i wrote all in this blog so that i could refer or just bace saje2 hehe. Puas hati dooo!! So as for now, time is the only thing i and Mohd. Said Ibrahim need. Insyaallah, ill reach 80kg early August and finaly my dream weight 70kg at the end of this year........
Anyhow, i wanna wish Mohd. Said Ibrahim goodluck and pray to god that he will reach his weight target and his goal to enroll onto the lpkn course will turn into reality. Amin.
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Sunday, May 22, 2005
Latest Weight Count
Finaly after 2 weeks of hardwork, here's the result....

Tak sabar nak jejak 80kg...
Tak sabar nak jejak 80kg...
Friday, May 20, 2005
My first day of work. Boring as i expected. Nothing changed. Its the regular works. Arrived at office, waited for my friends, head out to our fav mamak restaurant (al-azwath) and had bfast. Bfast i've been longing for 3 straight weeks. Capati besar. Emmm sedap wei. Then shortly after entering my messy work cubicle, i got summon to my gm office.
"Ish apehal laa mr.tan panggil pagi2 nih, hehehe"
All sorts of scenario was playing in this thick skull of mine. Am I getting fired? (Heheeh this one tak logic but it really did pass through my mind) A new task? What?
As i prepare for the worst, suddenly i felt a pat on my back. It was one of our company project managers. He was baffled on why i didnt came to the office for quite some time. Aik?? Didnt our company clerk noticed everyone?? Damn, shit. No wonder all my the messy files and memos left scattered around my desk. They dunt know. It took awhile to explain and he was so amazed on the fact that i broke my arm playing tennis!! Hehehe... tennis bahaye jugak wei. On the way to my gm office, i pass all my mc forms and sign some admin related stuff.
Finaly met mr. tan and the first think he did was commenting on my new appearance!! Hahahaha, never thought after a year plus he noticed my changes!!. Demn, i was somehow happy and terkejut laa hehehe. He even asked how i manage to do it. The first 20 minutes i spent telling him my so called secret hahahah. He was carefully listening that i can tell you. Sesh, then after that we came to more important matter. Mmg pandai laa my admin department. Serious shit pandai. There are ppl that dunt know about my absent!! My supervisor plak konon2 bz hehehe. So its like a chain reaction event. My work didnt get passed to anyone, demn plenty memos on my desk and suddenly got more work this morning! Memang mati laaa.. i acted like i was serious hearing every detail my gm had to tell although my mind was far off wondering....
i bought the star and started to browse their classified section. I even logged on to jobstreet.com and checked my impending interview calls with no luck. Man, i got to get out of this shit hole laaa.. demn fast!!
"Ish apehal laa mr.tan panggil pagi2 nih, hehehe"
All sorts of scenario was playing in this thick skull of mine. Am I getting fired? (Heheeh this one tak logic but it really did pass through my mind) A new task? What?
As i prepare for the worst, suddenly i felt a pat on my back. It was one of our company project managers. He was baffled on why i didnt came to the office for quite some time. Aik?? Didnt our company clerk noticed everyone?? Damn, shit. No wonder all my the messy files and memos left scattered around my desk. They dunt know. It took awhile to explain and he was so amazed on the fact that i broke my arm playing tennis!! Hehehe... tennis bahaye jugak wei. On the way to my gm office, i pass all my mc forms and sign some admin related stuff.
Finaly met mr. tan and the first think he did was commenting on my new appearance!! Hahahaha, never thought after a year plus he noticed my changes!!. Demn, i was somehow happy and terkejut laa hehehe. He even asked how i manage to do it. The first 20 minutes i spent telling him my so called secret hahahah. He was carefully listening that i can tell you. Sesh, then after that we came to more important matter. Mmg pandai laa my admin department. Serious shit pandai. There are ppl that dunt know about my absent!! My supervisor plak konon2 bz hehehe. So its like a chain reaction event. My work didnt get passed to anyone, demn plenty memos on my desk and suddenly got more work this morning! Memang mati laaa.. i acted like i was serious hearing every detail my gm had to tell although my mind was far off wondering....
i bought the star and started to browse their classified section. I even logged on to jobstreet.com and checked my impending interview calls with no luck. Man, i got to get out of this shit hole laaa.. demn fast!!
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Ish, its that time again. I hit a bump laaa.. waaa, though its alredy 1 week+, theres no sign of decreasing of weight heheh. I've stepped up my regime doing 2hrs of cardio every day still no changes. Sesh, somehow i kinda feel frustrated. Based on my pass experience, these bump actually will take like 2 or 3 weeks and i really dunt know why. I think its somehow our body ways to familiarize with sudden changes. Anyways, i'll continue my program till the end no question bout it. Emm wei, any1 outhere wanna go running with me aaa? Pullah? Anyone? hehehhe. Kinda bored running alone. I might find meself a mp3 player laa.. What's it feel like running with music?? Mayb i'll get an Mac shuffle. Or mayb a sony latest mp3 players.. cute giler!! hehehe.. suggestions are welcome wei.
Finaly all good things must come to an end heheh. My long 3 weeks holiday is alredy over. I'll resume my work this Friday and the first thing i noticed is that next Monday is a holiday!!!! Talk bout timming eheheheh. Demn, a day off on a Monday? heheheh heaven wei. Hope we all will do sumething worth wild that Monday. I'm currently getting ready to hit KL this morning. The first stop i'll make is ISETAN, KLCC heheh. I heard theres some mega sale going down there. Might as well use my last 2 days wisely dunt u think? heheh. Gonna shop for some clothes, pants and mayb go lunching with my dear friend Stone. Best wei, finaly im cured 100% internaly and externaly. Its like been given the chance to restart ur life and do it all over. After completing my weight target, i'll focus on my career. Ive been wanting to change jobs for a long time now. 2 - 3 interview i went wIth no luck. Shit. Susah cari keje nih wei hehehe. That's life. Mayb living with no important commitment is the culprit. Yealaaa, i'm definately in my comfort zone right now. Ish.. Okler. first thing first. KL, here i come.....tennis too heheheh
Finaly all good things must come to an end heheh. My long 3 weeks holiday is alredy over. I'll resume my work this Friday and the first thing i noticed is that next Monday is a holiday!!!! Talk bout timming eheheheh. Demn, a day off on a Monday? heheheh heaven wei. Hope we all will do sumething worth wild that Monday. I'm currently getting ready to hit KL this morning. The first stop i'll make is ISETAN, KLCC heheh. I heard theres some mega sale going down there. Might as well use my last 2 days wisely dunt u think? heheh. Gonna shop for some clothes, pants and mayb go lunching with my dear friend Stone. Best wei, finaly im cured 100% internaly and externaly. Its like been given the chance to restart ur life and do it all over. After completing my weight target, i'll focus on my career. Ive been wanting to change jobs for a long time now. 2 - 3 interview i went wIth no luck. Shit. Susah cari keje nih wei hehehe. That's life. Mayb living with no important commitment is the culprit. Yealaaa, i'm definately in my comfort zone right now. Ish.. Okler. first thing first. KL, here i come.....tennis too heheheh
Sunday, May 15, 2005
My Superwoman hehehe
Last night was kinda emotional. I can see tears in their faces. My mum stood strong and delivered her final speech. Finaly after 29 years serving the teaching service, my mum was celebrated in a grand farewell majlis held by her school (Sek. Men. Labu) in Alson Klana, Nilai. I felt demn proud and at the same time i was feeling kinda sad knowing that my mum's gonna retire. It felt weird wei. The thought of her not working anymore feels kinda strange. No more hustle bustle or the mayhem of my mom preparing to work, no more feeling worried whether she arrive or not at her school, nadaa. All my life, up till now i kinda enjoyed to see my mum working. Her dedication and working ethcis simply amazes me. She really loves teaching. Not that she teaches back then (this past 10 years laa), she was a HM but the management skills involved in her work, meeting ppl organizing events, she enjoyed all of that.

My mum....demn proud of her
A lil fact that i know bout my mums career. She hip - hopped 16 schools b4 ending her career in SMKLabu. Teaches BI, BM, Pengajian AM, Sejarah, n stopped when she got promoted to HM in 1995. Wrote STPM papers and had been with the Examination Board since 2000. The farthest and deadly school she attended was in Serting Hilir Complex, when we were in Bahau, ns. The road to that school was like 70km in the middle of nowhere, demn treacherous n super duper dangerous. (imagine being stopped by a tiger in the middle of nowhere??) heheh. So what i can conclude from her 29 years of teaching experience is... u got to have the demn dedication n strong will power to dwell in this profession.
Now she's retired. Huh, i hope i have 3/4 of her will power and dedication when it comes to work. I'm demn proud of her. Nuff said. Today is the first day of her retirement. She'd alredy organized the kitchen. Tuh baru satu hari! Imagine whatelse she can do with the time she has. hehehe. She is really my superwoman hehehe.
My mum....demn proud of her
A lil fact that i know bout my mums career. She hip - hopped 16 schools b4 ending her career in SMKLabu. Teaches BI, BM, Pengajian AM, Sejarah, n stopped when she got promoted to HM in 1995. Wrote STPM papers and had been with the Examination Board since 2000. The farthest and deadly school she attended was in Serting Hilir Complex, when we were in Bahau, ns. The road to that school was like 70km in the middle of nowhere, demn treacherous n super duper dangerous. (imagine being stopped by a tiger in the middle of nowhere??) heheh. So what i can conclude from her 29 years of teaching experience is... u got to have the demn dedication n strong will power to dwell in this profession.
Now she's retired. Huh, i hope i have 3/4 of her will power and dedication when it comes to work. I'm demn proud of her. Nuff said. Today is the first day of her retirement. She'd alredy organized the kitchen. Tuh baru satu hari! Imagine whatelse she can do with the time she has. hehehe. She is really my superwoman hehehe.
Saturday, May 14, 2005
Its close to 7 am and i still can't sleep. Sesh.. I just can't. Demn. Dun't know why. Still thinking bout a cruel joke my friend told me last night. Shit, I think i have a serious problem laaa. It seems that i just cant let go or forget any thing that effect my life directly.Arghh, . Pening. Takmo tulis lagi, i think i'll have a run laa pagi nih.
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Full Steam Ahead
Well, its look like my hand is like 80% functional and healed huhu. Now i can type with both hands thus doubling the speed of my typing capability n shortening the time taken to finish this entry heheh. I just can imagine my doc face if he knew what i've been doing this past 2 - 3 days heheh. On this magnificent evening, i succesfully ran 5km without wearing my handband. I ran 40 minutes straight!! its a demn good achievement i would say. B4 this, it was on an increment like 5, 10, 15, 20,... all through 40 minutes. These 2 weeks rest totaly healed my body in and out. Heheh, patah tangan nih ader hikmah dier i tell u. And these are one of many visible hikmah i choose to aknowledge heheh.
I'll be posting my weight count soon and i'll be focusing to tackle 80kg within the next 3 weeks ahead. And tomorrow i'll be visiting um and mayb i say mayb gonna have a run through heheh. Demn, i'll mayb gonna swing some tennis ball also. This time i swear im gonna b much more carefull. So thats all ive planned for tommorow. Chiow n see yer all in um.

Heheheh reached the 80 ish kg marker heheheheheeheh......
I'll be posting my weight count soon and i'll be focusing to tackle 80kg within the next 3 weeks ahead. And tomorrow i'll be visiting um and mayb i say mayb gonna have a run through heheh. Demn, i'll mayb gonna swing some tennis ball also. This time i swear im gonna b much more carefull. So thats all ive planned for tommorow. Chiow n see yer all in um.
Heheheh reached the 80 ish kg marker heheheheheeheh......
Sunday, May 08, 2005
Sunday Morning
Ok, I finaly got some weird urge to write on this wonderful Sunday morning. I'm gonna write about my typical Sunday morning heheh. Although we have our own room kan, still we manage to sleep infront of the tv like everyday... heheh, best wei, the wooden carpet my mom bought from Sarawak somehow feels very cool heheh, with some layers of comforters, pop in a dvd then walllaaa out to slumber land heeheh....

waaaa what a mess...
n sleeping at the hall comes with it own pro's n cons heheh. Subuh awal giler. My dad would wake us up like in 5.30 am. (week days laa kan...) Ngantuk giler but its worth it, i sumehow like it laaa. Then comes my mum plak (anyways.. happy mothers day to all mothers out there..... ).
" Dah kemas - kemas, lipat balik comforter tuh", "Kemas balik cd cd tuh menyemak jer" (for the sake of this entry, all the cleaning process would start after 10am heheheh)

my fav stationary bic heheheh
Heheheh, awal2 subuh kene dah hohoho. suke2. After subuh i would hit on my stationary bike n do like 1 hr on it. I usually ride it like for 30km heheheh. In the mean time, my mum would prepare our breakfast and my dad would read the papers. And after my cardio, i'll go to my fav spot on earth, , my desktop, check all my dl's, emails n etc. kekadang layan short movies ker things like that, read blogs, write blogs, edit comments etc hehheeh.

My fav place on earth hohoho.....
Then b4 our breakfast, we all took turn to weight ourself n boast or blagak to each other heheheh. Everyone of us. Excluding my mum laaa.. hehehe Bapak aku seres kerek. 90kg, takyah maintain mkn pun cantuh jer weight dier.... tension plak hohoho. My bro weights 82kg n i sumehow can imagine when i reach the 80kg mark... okler tuh. n during our breakfast, my mum would initiate sume hard-to-imagine topics like todays lhdn-the workings, why the deb (dasar ekonomi baru) was a total disaster n my dad being defensive n full of idea would give his opinion. Aku ngan adik2 aku just like emmm "Whatever,..... asalkan depa bahagia hehehe". I can't imagine when our parents retire nanti hohohoh sure kecoh satu umah.

Bfast... lempeng, sambal ikan bilis and nasi goreng.... pergh complete meal for the day.
waaaa what a mess...
n sleeping at the hall comes with it own pro's n cons heheh. Subuh awal giler. My dad would wake us up like in 5.30 am. (week days laa kan...) Ngantuk giler but its worth it, i sumehow like it laaa. Then comes my mum plak (anyways.. happy mothers day to all mothers out there..... ).
" Dah kemas - kemas, lipat balik comforter tuh", "Kemas balik cd cd tuh menyemak jer" (for the sake of this entry, all the cleaning process would start after 10am heheheh)
my fav stationary bic heheheh
My fav place on earth hohoho.....
Then b4 our breakfast, we all took turn to weight ourself n boast or blagak to each other heheheh. Everyone of us. Excluding my mum laaa.. hehehe Bapak aku seres kerek. 90kg, takyah maintain mkn pun cantuh jer weight dier.... tension plak hohoho. My bro weights 82kg n i sumehow can imagine when i reach the 80kg mark... okler tuh. n during our breakfast, my mum would initiate sume hard-to-imagine topics like todays lhdn-the workings, why the deb (dasar ekonomi baru) was a total disaster n my dad being defensive n full of idea would give his opinion. Aku ngan adik2 aku just like emmm "Whatever,..... asalkan depa bahagia hehehe". I can't imagine when our parents retire nanti hohohoh sure kecoh satu umah.
Bfast... lempeng, sambal ikan bilis and nasi goreng.... pergh complete meal for the day.
And during bfast, my dad would lay out the plan for the entire day. Today its look like were gonna visit my bro at mrsm kkb n my grandma in rawang. Sesh, jauh laaa penat giler, dahler tgn patah hohhohhoho-- any of that reason would not work on my dad. Its kinda scary to like second guess or object my dads word laa.. a lil secret, i broke my hand after my dad called n requested me to send him to klia the next morning... I simply said i can't. Wallaaa... feel the wrath of my dads heheheh... bahaye siut. heheheh. But i think its just me laa... i just can't simply say no to my mum n dad.. the guilt feeling tuh susah nak hilang... Now tgh prepare nak go to kkb.. till the next Sunday, bye dudes....
Friday, May 06, 2005
Statement num 8
Just to verify statement num 8 by nik hehehe..., anyways im gonna hit kl today n i hope u guys got sumething planned laaa....
Its 92kg now ... hehheh
Sunday, May 01, 2005
70 kg
I will prevail. I'm gonna reach my target. Next week im gonna start my cardio n diet exercise till i reach my final goal 70kg. For the time being im gonna njoy every moment i have. Borneo, here i come.
p/s: thanks again for all the wishes k. Rindu sial um n kl n everibodi...
p/s: thanks again for all the wishes k. Rindu sial um n kl n everibodi...
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