Monday, November 21, 2005

My weekend hohohoo

What a memorable weekend. Started my Saturday abruptly with a call from elly (my bro’s gf) telling us that she just had an accident. Scrambled and drove to the scene finding that our waja was mangled and stopped dead in the middle of the tunnel near Sri Petaling towards Sg Besi (Kesas Highway end). Dd’s quick thinking had prevented from further disaster. Syukur alhamdulillah nothing worse happened but it did postpone my meeting with my nadie, (yeah right…) hehehe.

Then this brilliant idea just came…. Why don’t I ask her to come and main masak2 with my mom, siti and the others? The Pulitzer prize idea of all time ehehehe at least for me laa kan, then the rest was sweeeeeet. Nothing beats watching important women in your life having fun, laughing away. It’s hard to explain in words people. The day ended pretty well with more close friends came beraya2.

So then came Sunday. I thought it will be one of those typical Sunday where you just relax and start thinking bout what to wear, what to do the coming Monday but nooo… Its like a mini adventure altogether. Picked up nadie early in the morning, went to KL plaza and start queuing. Confirmed heheheh, one of her hobby and certaintly my new one is freebies hunting. Just imagine the freebies we accumulated that day, huh tak cukup tangan weh hahahahah… To top that day off, we as the first 50 customers got the chance to drive the smart car by merc in KL. It’s sure a memorable drive. Heaven…..So to sum up what the hell I’ve been doing last week, here’s a pic for my personal reminder heheheeh.. Man…. I’m high……

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