Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Weird Raya...

I’m back. My weirdest Raya ever. 10 days of relaxation. Days full of open houses, movies, starbucks and countless visits to the mamak stall. Just finished sorting out all my emails, letters and etc. Mood for work currently = o. Now I’ve decided to write my weird raya experience just for the sake of wasting time before my lunch break at 1 hehehe.

Raya preparation for this year was kept to a minimum. My parents spending the last 2 weeks of ramadhan in the holy land of mecca largely contribute to this. Me n lil bro just did the best we could do in terms of rearranging the measly furniture we had at that time and also manage to mop clean all the surfaces of our new house. Any maid would glad laa having us as their masters hahahaha.

As scheduled, our parents, didi and siti touched down on Malaysian soil at 8.30 am a day before raya. I have long felt this feeling before. Nangis leh tak? Hahahah rindu gler babi. Sesh, syukur gler. Was smiling all the way to kj. Finally, after 2 weeks, we are whole again. The first thing didi did, broke laughter all evening round. He excels in mimicking mawi “world” sound…. Belia, Benci Dadah… then that freaking “world”… babi laaa hahahah. (one’s got to hear it to believe it, heheh)

Okay, drank litres of air zam zam. The thought of I having some bizarre instantaneous combustion did crossed my mind. (I’m that bad kaa? Heheeh) Enjoyed kurma nabi and a whole assortments of goodies from mecca. Ingatkan nak gi takbir raya but remembered that my duit raya is still with affy thus decided to call her which then led me to Starbucks Shah alam with jacko wacko on raya eve. Super raya laa.. heheh

1ST Raya
Woke up quite late. Around 8.10 am actually. Dibembat spt lembu by my bapak. Hahahah. Using our super duper speed, managed to get to the mosque by 8.30am just in time to hear the how-to sembahyang raya guide.

FYI, I had no baju raya. Just one plain ol’ Puma t-shirt with one kain pelekat.

Balik rumah, enjoyed our breakfast with nasi impit and etc. Lepak after zuhur and doze off just to be rudely woken up at 6.45pm. Shit. Tido? Hehehe. Then the never b4 event happened. We as one big happy family went to IKEA on raya night to SHOP!! Hahaa.. Super rare. Usually, this time around, we would be on the road visiting countless relatives tak kissah di Melaka or even in Pahang,

But no… instead, we shopped. A weird raya indeed. The night ended with me having one very cool door stopper and a metal basket bin heheheh.

2nd Day of raya to Now hehehehhehe
Other than going to frens open house, all I suppose is definitely the same. Bangun lambat, mandi lambat, enjoyed nip/tuck season2 and this vicious circle keeps on repeating up to the final days of my vacation heheh.

Sesh, pening plak… I’ll continue soon, btw, how bout ur raya laa… mine was B.I.A.S.A… ur’s??

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