Thursday, September 09, 2004

World wide web

8 September 2004 - Did 25 minutes,workout on the bike... noticed this cute girl doing some weight lifting hihii...

Fuck laa my IT dpt, no internet again, if this keeps going on confirm bankcrupt laa my company.. As the newly appointed IT coordinator for my company didnt help either, waves of phone calls just kept coming n coming demanding answers on when the net will be online...arghhhh, fuck laaa...

Called my net provider this morning and found out that the problem was huge, there's been a misalignment with the satellit, vesat. After a thorough discussion finaly i got a solid answer....2 days hahah, damnit 2 days disconnected from the world...cant ym also, fuckin boring, mati laa all my project managers huhuhu (suits them hahahaha). Compared to the last network problem this is supposedly a fly by hahah, the last time we were down for 3 months!!! Stupid provider,.. i remembered asking permission from my boss to check my email from a near by cc was hell. kimex aaa hahahah. and its a hella gud reason for me to ular2 huhuhu. Afterall, i did received a call from my dad asking me to send him to the airport huhu, n know thinking of login in the UM wireless network system emm i think at science computer...

After failing to connect in UM, frustrated, i drove my car to the only place i think can solve my problem...Starbucks Amcorp Mall,...After fidling with the setting now im up and running posting the blog u r now reading hihihi....damn, finally hihihi dapat gak check mail with stail lak tuh huhuhu, okler emmm eh ppl, taknak tgk eifel im in love ker??? kih kih kih....

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